Monday, May 6, 2013

The Benefits Of A Low Glycemic Level Diet

The United States is facing a health crisis. 31% of adults are obese, as are 15% of adolescents and children with no sign that this trend will be shifting any time in the near future. What’s more, diabetes affects a staggering 18.2 million people in America, which is over six percent of the population. Even more shocking is the fact that this number increases each year. In short, the prognosis for many Americans’ health is not good.

So what can you do about it? The best thing you can do is to take care of yourself and your children through proper diet and exercise. Obesity can be eliminated and diabetes can be managed, if not all together avoided. You can control the things you put into your body, and from a chemical perspective, regulating bloods sugar levels is the most effective way to release your energy and fat burning capacity.

The Glycemic index is a system that ranks foods by how they affect your levels of blood sugar. By following a low Glycemic diet, you can control the dramatic rises in blood sugar that pose serious threats to your health. Adhering to this nutritional plan is not as complicated or difficult as you might think. In fact, finding recipes and tips is as easy as logging on to your computer.

There are a number of websites targeted for people living with diabetes to help control blood sugar levels naturally. For a comprehensive listing of sites that assist you in managing your Glycemic level, take a quick look at Review Place. It has reviews of sites like Glycemic Impact Diet, Living with Diabetes Plan, Diabetic and Dieting Recipes and Hypoglycemia Low Sugar Plan. These aren’t fad diets that make little sense and achieve only short-term results. The plans are based on scientific fact.

The beauty of these sites dealing with low Glycemic diets, is that they essentially do all of the work for you. They not only give recipes and health tips, but many go so far as to offer prepared grocery lists to print on the go. Even better, the recipes are not only healthy, but also tasty. You don’t feel as though you are missing out on delicious food, you are enjoying delicious, healthy food.

For example, Glycemic Impact Diet, also known as the GI Diet, a member of the eDiets family, is a healthy nutrition plan you can follow for life. It balances unrefined complex carbohydrates with lean protein and healthy fat to help you stabilize blood sugars and increase energy while losing weight. You can feel fuller longer and avoid nasty sugar highs and lows.

A Low Glycemic Level Diet makes sense for anyone. It is not just for individuals with diabetes, but any person concerned with health and proper nutrition. If, as a nation, we all paid closer attention to the Glycemic index and monitored or blood sugar intake, we would see a sharp decline in the incidence of diabetes and obesity. In turn, we’d experience healthier lives and a better quality of life.

You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information


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