Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Health Benefits Of Flower Tea

This is human's nature that one needs different kind of meals and drinks to refresh oneself. Different people take different thing as per their choice like some people feel fresh by taking simple cold water, some like to have fresh juice, some like to have tea and some like to have green tea. Every thing has its own benefits for human being. green tea specially is very popular in East Asian Countries and China. In China it is also taken as medicine since thousand of years.

Many people think that GreenTea is taken from different resources then the traditional black tea. One has to understand that green tea is also comes from the same tea plant "Camellia Sinesis". Different procedures are being adopted to obtain two different kinds of teas from same plant.

Apart from other important ingredients which tea has in it, it also has Antioxidants Properties, Polyphenols, Theanine and many minerals and vitamins. Polyphenols is helpful in prevention of heart disease and cancer. Many studies have shown that China & Japan have very low percentage of people suffering with cancer and this is green tea which saves them from deadly disease. One of the main reasons is that it helps to control the blood pressure. For those people who smoke cigarettes, cigars or other likewise things can get a protection in small quantity unless the quit smoking completely and get rid of nicotine. A research proved that catechins in green tea help burn the calories and lower LDL cholesterol and reduce the body fat as well.

green tea has also been used for anti-aging purposes. Its ability to lower blood sugar, chelate iron and ability to control the production of nitric oxide in one's body are all very important. Apparently a custom is made to delay the signs of aging and to protect health by this ancient beverage.

The flavor of green tea can be divided as grassy, green, light & fresh green tea. Some of these flavors have more sweetness in it. Usually milk is not added when making green tea but it depends on ones likeness. One may be interested in flavor with Jasmine which has flowery scent. Jasmine does not add more health benefits but it may improve drinkability. When used with lemon, its taste becomes very great.

Some cooking experts used green tea in cookies and muffins by crushing dry leaves. So we may say that it is not only for drinking but it can be used in other things as well.

Normally green tea can be found easily in the markets or in any good grocery place. If you can find a Chinatown in your area, you can find many verities of it. Ebay also offers a verity of green tea available for online shoppers. A quick search on Google will give infinite choices to get green tea from different resources. But when buying the green tea one should look for single estate instead of blends from different estates, this effect the natural taste of GreenTea.
You can find additional info at the following links:
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