Sunday, March 31, 2013

How to Improve A Rusty Golf Swing

Golf is a sport of luck, chance and lots of skills. It involves all of these three things working together to have a perfect game. It is an individual sport where everyone who aims to play it starts with the same skill set as everyone else. Compared to other games and sports that are played by people, golf highlights the differences in the styles of the athletes with every golf swing.

Speaking of golf swings, one of the most obvious differences in the playing style of different champions in the game of golf is their golf swing. Because of the differences in body type, arm length, shoulder length and arm strength, each individual golfer have different kinds of swings. The fundamentals of the game are the same for everyone with the exception of the swing. Some people hit hard enough to send the golf ball flying over 300 yards without much effort and for some people sending the ball 100 yards seem to be harder than finding a decent wife.

Even though the discrepancies in the swing usually determine the playing style of the golfer, there are ways on improving your golf swing good enough for professional tournaments. One of the most important steps to follow is the position of your neck and head during the swing. This is the most common tip given by coaches and it is one with the immediate results. The technique is to keep your head and neck in the same straight line with the rest of your spine.

Relaxing your head and neck so they find their place in the alignment of the spine and the neck region is important at this stage. Make sure that your arm will fit under your chin as you make the swing to keep the alignment straight. One of the common mistakes about the technique is that some golfer tuck the head into the shoulders to keep the rest of the neck moving. This does not work because during the motion of the swing the arm is forced to go around the chin, bending and affecting the line of flight of your ball.

To maximize the effect of this exercise, remember to put into practice at 25 times in a row. After the 25th swing rest for a while and practice another 25 swing in a row. Maintain your body position and your head and neck alignment. Make minor adjustments to make the position more comfortable. Do the exercise at least an hour to two hours in a day to make sure that your body is remembering the position it is most comfortable with. You might say that this is like conditioning your body to align itself automatically for every swing.

Another great way of improving your swing is to relax your body as you swing. Tense muscle movement leads to limited dexterity and flexibility. Relaxing your body as you swing helps a great deal in improving your game. When your body is tense, the burst of kinetic energy is cut short because it is hindered from moving in a free flowing way. And of course balance.

Balance is important in improving your golf swing because it directly affects the force that ball is hit with. Proper balance during the golf swing helps a great deal in releasing the maximum hit force.

You can find additional info at the following links:
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Improve You Dunking Ability In A Shortest Time!

Ever noticed that even ballers who can jump really high, can’t do some special dunks like 360s or windmills? They may do it in a powerful way because of their vertical leap but they can’t do a certain things.

Why is that?

Do you think that even if you are as tall as Vince Carter and have his vertical leap you’d be able to dunk the way he does it? Hell no!

Not only does he have developed the right muscles for dunking but he has the “touch” for the ball. Now that’s important right there. He has control over the ball.

Everytime he spins for a 180 or 360 degrees he knows where he is.

Or how about this? Spud Webb winning the slam dunk contest in 1986. That little guy can’t even palm the ball.

Well who said he needs to?

I can teach you with a little practice, how you can maintain control when you spin for a 360 and how you can do a one-handed dunk without having to palm the ball (except if you want to slam dunk in someone’s face:) which I’ll also cover later in this article)

First of all, dunking demands your devotion. You can’t just hope that someday when you grow taller, or gain inches to your vertical you’ll try something else.

**TIP – You can’t never be TOO fancy when trying new dunks.

Use your imagination, it will push you far.

Even though I’ve been practicing day and night in my back- yard basket I couldn’t see some measurable improvements at first. I’ll show you some very useful tips so you don’t have to learn them the hard way (and the hard way ain’t pretty:)

Probably the most important thing when spinning is your head. The head is the leader. That’s the way it is in gymnastic, that’s the way it is in BASKETBALL too!

Always remember, when you spin, always turn your head toward the rim first and your whole body follows. This sounds really simple but believe me it can help you when you practice.

Palming the ball. Most of my friends say that you can’t do one-handed dunks without palming the ball unless you are tall enough. Not necessarily! Sure it helps if you can palm the ball. You have better control over the ball and thus you are more confident in your dunks. This is important too.

**TIP – Lick you fingertips for better palming.

But instead, you can do it this way. The next time you go for a one-handed dunk, catch the ball with two hands right before you jump. Bring it up as your body goes up after you jump. As you extend your arms, turn away your left hand (if you are right handed which of course means you dunk with your right hand, if you are left handed turn away your right hand) and as soon as you reach that point slightly above the rim you can dunk the ball. Read that carefully.

For those of you with true passion for this game!

Let’s look at some ways you can do in-your-face-dunks. For doing in-your-face-dunks, it’s far easier if you can palm the ball. That’s for sure. Unless of course you want to dunk with both hands which is little harder to do because of two reasons.

1.) - You can’t jump as high. That’s a fact. If you dunk with both hands the level where the ball is can never be higher than if you dunk with one hand. And..

2.) – When you go up with a palmed ball in one hand is very easy to extend your whole body to the MAX and thus “hide” the ball from the defender.

So if you decide to dunk in someone’s face with one hand you can do it this way. While you are going against the rim and you see that the defender is trying to block you, you simply put the arm that is not holding the ball (with your wrist pointing at the defender) in front of you so that he won’t be able to reject you that easy. It really helps because this way you are in a better position.

You can even “hide” the ball by extending the arm that you are holding the ball with even further. And assuming that he is not really 10 inches higher than you and 2 times stronger, you should be able to *DUNK IN HIS FACE* Let him know who he is dealing with. It will scare him even more the next time he tries to reject you because subconsciously he knows that you’ve already “dunked in his face”.

Another way you can do it is if you decide to dunk with two hands. This helps if you are not as tall as your defender but you are little stronger. If you are somewhat stronger you can do it because of your body. Your body will dominate in the air and it will push his body away thus getting *you* closer to the rim.

If you decide to go with two hands you should “hide” the ball by bringing it behind you head if you have the time to do that (meaning you have a decent vertical leap)

Now, there is another very important factor and that is the positioning. If the defender is ready to reject you (assuming he is as tall as you are, and has about the same vertical leap and is about as strong as you are) then it’s more difficult thing to do as opposed to if he was 2 seconds late (meaning you’ll be in a better position – CRUCIAL)

If you find this article interesting you can check out my website for the most effective program for increasing your vertical leap with FREE bonuses included for a limited time offer.


Trajko Dangov

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Saturday, March 30, 2013

How Your Golf Driver Swing Can Have More Power

A golf driver swing that is lacking in power has a couple of issues that need to be addressed. A golf driver swing is slightly different than your other clubs...but needs to have the same sequence of motion and body position at impact to produce more power and distance of the tee.

Most golfers swing outside their physical capabilities resulting in lost yardage and accuracy.

Has this ever happened to you?

You step up on a long par 4 or a par 5 and tell yourself you’re going to get their in two. What did you do differently on the tee to achieve it? Did you swing harder? If so, what was your result?

The first issue to cover with your golf driver swing is your range of motion, especially on your backswing. Can you make a 90 degree shoulder turn with minimal tension? Most older golfers don’t even come close.

The optimal position is a 90 degree shoulder turn, with approximately 45 degrees of hip turn. This requires a high level of core strength and flexibility. Shoulder flexibility comes into play just a bit also.

If you can’t get to this position, it doesn’t matter how hard you swingÂ…you’re still not going to maximize your power and distance with your driver. Trying to get to that position when you body cannot physically get there will only cause muscle tension, which slows clubhead speed.

Secondly, getting behind the ball and staying behind the ball at impact is critically to maximizing power and distance. This cannot be achieved with an “out-of-shape” body. It’s a physically impossibility.

Even for a fit golfer, this is sometimes hard to accomplish on a consistent basis.

On the downswing, it is critical the first move is with the lower body rotating (not sliding). This rotation of the lower body, while the upper body stays back (for only a split second) takes a ton of core strength.

A weaker golfer would not be able to achieve this. He/she would come over the top early with the upper body, merely because they don’t have core strength to initiate the downswing with the lower body.

So how do you achieve a golf driver swing with maximum power?

Start working on your core strength and flexibility from a rotational standpoint, with a golf weight training and glf stretching routine. Every exercise and stretch you do should incorporate rotational movements. The primary movement in the golf swing is rotational, so why wouldn't you focus on that in your golf training program?

This is the quickest way to longer drives!

Hitting more balls with the same body and the same swing won’t get you there!

You’ve got to address the physical component to achieve the mechanical efficiency with your driver.

As soon as you do, you’ll be blowing by the other players in your foursome!

This IS the approach you should take with your golf driver swing.
You can find additional info at the following links:
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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Why Plyometrics Workouts Are Not The Best Way To Increase Vertical Height!

There are many sports experts out there that claim you can increase vertical height by using plyometrics alone!

Let’s see why this statement is untrue! There are many studies that prove that plyometrics are not the best way to increase vertical height!

An 8-week study found no significant improvement in long jump performance or vertical jump by 26 college-age subjects who performed depth jumps 2x a week (1).

Another study reported no significant difference in the vertical jump between a group training with an isokinetic leg press and a group training with depth jumps (2).

A study by Clutch concluded that plyometrics exercises (depth jumps of various heights) are no more effective than a regular jumping routine for increasing vertical jump and leg strength (3).

And yet another study showed no significant differences in the 40-yard dash and the vertical jump between a weight training group versus a group using plyometrics (4).

Another study found no significant differences in dynamic leg strength and leg power between a group who only performed maximum vertical jumps (from ground level), and two groups who performed depth jumps from varying heights(5).

And it gets even better, because a couple of other studies concluded that plyometrics have no effect on power development/performance (6,7). Yet another study found no significant differences in the vertical jump, the leg press and peak power of the quads between a group who performed a strength training program and a group who performed a strength training program and plyometrics(8).

But plyometrics might be good for one thing and that is causing sport injuries!

Cook and his coworkers noted the risk of injury associated with plyometrics (9).

Hutchins states that the use of plyometrics exercises is "irresponsible" (10). The most common plyometrics related injuries are patellar tendonitis (11,12) and stress fractures (11). Many others have questioned the safety of plyometrics.

Having said that, you can see why, plyometrics are not the best way to increase vertical height! There is absolutely no scientific basis to it- the scientific evidence proves it to bee harmful and not beneficial.

At best you can be injured if you do not have the necessary strength base! Having said that, it is imperative to develop a foundation of strength with strength/ weight training program before using plyometrics!

Plyometrics should be performed only if your body is strong enough to handle it.

Here are a few studies that prove that a plyometrics training system in combination with a strength training program can give you good results

In an issue of the Penn State Sports Medicine Newsletter there are numerous studies that prove this point!

One was of Finnish volleyball players (whose jump skills were already very good) who added plyometrics to their normal weight training. They saw an increase in vertical leap of 11%. There was also a description of a study done at the Human Performance Lab at Oregon State that compared plyometrics (jumps onto a box, double leg hops and split squat jumps) and squatting twice per week to one or the other. The squat only group increase vertical leap 3.30 centimeters. Plyometrics only showed a 3.81 cm increase and the combination training increased 10.67 cm which is a big difference.

My issue with plyometrics is that it has not been studied enough for the average person to take up this kind of workout. The height that people jump from has to be exact, the technique at which the land has to be as near perfect as possible, the coach has to really know what they are doing. If you are doing it from a book, then stay well away from plyometrics. If you have a qualified coach who has done this kind training and really knows there stuff, then go for it.


1) Scoles, G. 1978. Depth jumping! Does it really work? "Athletic Journal" 58 (January):48-50,74-76. 2) Blattner, S., and L. Noble. 1979. Relative effects of isokinetic and plyometric training on vertical jumping performance. "Research Quarterly" 50 (4):583-588. 3) Clutch, D., M. Wilton, C. McGown and G.R. Bryce. 1983. The effect of depth jumps and weight training on leg strength and vertical jump. "Research Quarterly" 54:5-10. 4) Ford Jr, H. T., J.R. Puckett, J.P. Drummond, K.Sawyer, K.Gantt and C.Fussell. 1983. Effects of three combinations of plyometric and weight training programs on selected physical fitness test items. "Perceptual and Motor Skills" 56:919-922. 5) Blakey, J. B., and D.Southard. 1987. The combined effects of weight training and plyometrics on dynamic leg strength and leg power. "Journal of Applied Sport Science Research" 1(1):14-16. 6) Durak, E. 1987. Physical performance responses to muscle lengthening and weight training exercises in young women. "Journal of Applied Sport Science Research" 1(3):60. 7) Christenson, D., and S. Melville. 1988. The effects of depth jumps on university football players. "Journal of Applied Sport Science Research" 2(3):54. 8) Kramer, J. F., A. Morrow and A. Leger. 1993. Changes in rowing ergometer, weight lifting, vertical jump and isokinetic performance in response to standard and standard plus plyometric training programs. "International Journal of Sports Medicine" 14:449-454. 9) Cook, S.D., G. Schultz, M. L. Omey, M. W. Wolfe and M. F. Brunet. 1993. Development of lower leg strength and flexibility with the strength show. "The American Journal of Sports Medicine" 21:445-448. 10) Hutchins, K. 1992. "Super Slow: The ultimate exercise protocol." 2d ed. Casselberry, FL:Super Slow Systems. 11) Wikgren, S. 1988. The plyometrics debate. "Coaching Women's Basketball" 1 (May/June):10-13. 12) Horrigan, J., and D. Shaw. 1990. Plyometrics: The dangers of depth jumps. "High Intensity Training Newsletter 2(4):15-21.

You can find additional info at the following links:
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Why Plyometrics Workouts Are Not The Best Way To Increase Vertical Height!

There are many sports experts out there that claim you can increase vertical height by using plyometrics alone!

Let’s see why this statement is untrue! There are many studies that prove that plyometrics are not the best way to increase vertical height!

An 8-week study found no significant improvement in long jump performance or vertical jump by 26 college-age subjects who performed depth jumps 2x a week (1).

Another study reported no significant difference in the vertical jump between a group training with an isokinetic leg press and a group training with depth jumps (2).

A study by Clutch concluded that plyometrics exercises (depth jumps of various heights) are no more effective than a regular jumping routine for increasing vertical jump and leg strength (3).

And yet another study showed no significant differences in the 40-yard dash and the vertical jump between a weight training group versus a group using plyometrics (4).

Another study found no significant differences in dynamic leg strength and leg power between a group who only performed maximum vertical jumps (from ground level), and two groups who performed depth jumps from varying heights(5).

And it gets even better, because a couple of other studies concluded that plyometrics have no effect on power development/performance (6,7). Yet another study found no significant differences in the vertical jump, the leg press and peak power of the quads between a group who performed a strength training program and a group who performed a strength training program and plyometrics(8).

But plyometrics might be good for one thing and that is causing sport injuries!

Cook and his coworkers noted the risk of injury associated with plyometrics (9).

Hutchins states that the use of plyometrics exercises is "irresponsible" (10). The most common plyometrics related injuries are patellar tendonitis (11,12) and stress fractures (11). Many others have questioned the safety of plyometrics.

Having said that, you can see why, plyometrics are not the best way to increase vertical height! There is absolutely no scientific basis to it- the scientific evidence proves it to bee harmful and not beneficial.

At best you can be injured if you do not have the necessary strength base! Having said that, it is imperative to develop a foundation of strength with strength/ weight training program before using plyometrics!

Plyometrics should be performed only if your body is strong enough to handle it.

Here are a few studies that prove that a plyometrics training system in combination with a strength training program can give you good results

In an issue of the Penn State Sports Medicine Newsletter there are numerous studies that prove this point!

One was of Finnish volleyball players (whose jump skills were already very good) who added plyometrics to their normal weight training. They saw an increase in vertical leap of 11%. There was also a description of a study done at the Human Performance Lab at Oregon State that compared plyometrics (jumps onto a box, double leg hops and split squat jumps) and squatting twice per week to one or the other. The squat only group increase vertical leap 3.30 centimeters. Plyometrics only showed a 3.81 cm increase and the combination training increased 10.67 cm which is a big difference.

My issue with plyometrics is that it has not been studied enough for the average person to take up this kind of workout. The height that people jump from has to be exact, the technique at which the land has to be as near perfect as possible, the coach has to really know what they are doing. If you are doing it from a book, then stay well away from plyometrics. If you have a qualified coach who has done this kind training and really knows there stuff, then go for it.


1) Scoles, G. 1978. Depth jumping! Does it really work? "Athletic Journal" 58 (January):48-50,74-76. 2) Blattner, S., and L. Noble. 1979. Relative effects of isokinetic and plyometric training on vertical jumping performance. "Research Quarterly" 50 (4):583-588. 3) Clutch, D., M. Wilton, C. McGown and G.R. Bryce. 1983. The effect of depth jumps and weight training on leg strength and vertical jump. "Research Quarterly" 54:5-10. 4) Ford Jr, H. T., J.R. Puckett, J.P. Drummond, K.Sawyer, K.Gantt and C.Fussell. 1983. Effects of three combinations of plyometric and weight training programs on selected physical fitness test items. "Perceptual and Motor Skills" 56:919-922. 5) Blakey, J. B., and D.Southard. 1987. The combined effects of weight training and plyometrics on dynamic leg strength and leg power. "Journal of Applied Sport Science Research" 1(1):14-16. 6) Durak, E. 1987. Physical performance responses to muscle lengthening and weight training exercises in young women. "Journal of Applied Sport Science Research" 1(3):60. 7) Christenson, D., and S. Melville. 1988. The effects of depth jumps on university football players. "Journal of Applied Sport Science Research" 2(3):54. 8) Kramer, J. F., A. Morrow and A. Leger. 1993. Changes in rowing ergometer, weight lifting, vertical jump and isokinetic performance in response to standard and standard plus plyometric training programs. "International Journal of Sports Medicine" 14:449-454. 9) Cook, S.D., G. Schultz, M. L. Omey, M. W. Wolfe and M. F. Brunet. 1993. Development of lower leg strength and flexibility with the strength show. "The American Journal of Sports Medicine" 21:445-448. 10) Hutchins, K. 1992. "Super Slow: The ultimate exercise protocol." 2d ed. Casselberry, FL:Super Slow Systems. 11) Wikgren, S. 1988. The plyometrics debate. "Coaching Women's Basketball" 1 (May/June):10-13. 12) Horrigan, J., and D. Shaw. 1990. Plyometrics: The dangers of depth jumps. "High Intensity Training Newsletter 2(4):15-21.

You can find additional info at the following links:
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The Filthy Five - Five Things You Thought You Knew About Jumping Higher And Becoming A Better Athlete

With the 2004-05 NBA season underway, there's not a more suitable time to explore what it takes to emmulate the high-flying antics of our favorite NBA stars.

If you ask any young basketballer around the world what they want to do, every single one of them will tell you they want to dunk on their opponents. And for those of you who can't dunk already, there's only one way of ever getting there: increase your vertical leap.

With many vertical leap programs available to choose from, we asked vertical leap expert and owner of, Luke Lowrey, to clear the air for us. Lowrey's claim to fame is that he has carved and developed the only world's system that can effectively double any athlete's vertical leap and athletic power output capacity and - better yet - his system is so effective, his elite client list make him sign non-disclosure agreements, to prevent their competition finding out about their edge.

He candidly revealed that "by filtering the hype and discarding what doesn't work from the get-go, each and every athlete can guarantee for themselves their own results by strictly adhering to the personalized systems that do work."

When probed for answers, Lowrey confessed to having observed - even at the highest athletic levels - five universal myths that coaches, trainers and athletes alike have long believed increase vertical leap. These myths, though commonly embraced by the wider athletic community are, in fact, shown to decrease jumping ability when held against to Lowrey's personalized system.

So, here they are, from the horse's mouth:

Myth 1) All you require is our workout plan

"The failure to take an integrated approach to increasing vertical jump is one of the first traps many athletes stumble on when starting out. Trust me I know! I've fallen in head first. I've often called it 'training suicide' because increasing vertical leap is about so much more than just a workout program. It requires an integrated and personalized system. If 98% of your time is spent away from the training track, gym or competition court or field, then it's during that non-active period that 98% of your total results have the opportunity of being fully leveraged. For decades athletes have been fooled into believing that it's the time and effort spent at the track or gym that controls their results. I don't doubt that this is an incredibly important ingredient in harnessing true athletic success, but so is the 98% of non-active down time - when your body processes the active time spent training. However, it's only an opportunity. Recognizing this fact presents a viable advantage to any athlete, because so few bother to address this and even fewer address it properly."

Myth 2) That you need to be born with 'good genetics'

"Vertical leap and jumping ability is a function of power and power is a function of science and mathematics. Provided you can execute the mechanics of the jumping movement itself, you will be able to increase the height to which you can jump simply by manipulating the mathematical and scientific equation related. Sure, some people may be born with slightly better genetics than others, and may experience results faster than the next person, but anyone can considerably increase their vertical leap. Quite literally, the person with inferior genetics who uses the superior system, will always win out over the person with the superior genetics and inferior training regime."

Myth 3) That lifting weights will increase your vertical leap

"Another common myth is that lifting weights will increase your vertical leap and make you faster. Weight trainers have spent a lot of time and energy trying to diffuse this, but the fact remains, lifting weights is actually not the most superior way of increasing vertical leap or raw athletic power, and its perhaps more likely to actually slow you down, decrease your body's power output capacity and even cause injury."

Myth 4) That 3 sets of 12 works for everyone

"This stems from the "health club trainer syndrome". These guys tend to hand you the generic program they have at the top of their file and say "go for your life", even when there's absolutely no real, solid or scientific way of measuring that a certain amount of sets or reps is right for you. To be able to accurately map out with fair reason a system that will definitely increase your jump, you don't need to be Einstein to see that the numbers you work by need to be personalized for you. That's why I developed the Uncompromized Performance Number (UPN) technology -- it's the only sure-fire way of knowing and mapping, without a shadow of doubt, the exact numbers that will, week by week, improve your performance rate. I guess that's why my system's caused such a stir."

Myth 5) You have to jump to improve your jump!

"It's not just young athletes who want to increase their vertical leap. Many older people, who still dream of one day being able to dunk with authority are out there looking to increase their vertical jump height, too. However, some of them need to watch it, as old injuries haven't been properly cared for and sometimes, their backs, hips, knees and ankles aren't as durable as those of your average 16 year-old. You'll be happy to know you don't need necessarily include bone-crunching plyometrics into a training regime to gain results. Actually, there are four specific and highly-effective training modes that ensure your joints are saved, yet still allow you to reliably count on adding valuable inches to your jump. These include: "dead start" training exercises, "isometric" exercises, "partial" or "strong-range" exercises and water plyometrics, where the high-impact baring of gravity is removed. In many cases, documented both scientifically and anecdotally, combinations of these four training modes have surpassed the results drawn from the regular jumping, weight-lifting and Olympic and power-lifting routines that are favored by the vast majority of trainers and athletes."

Copyright (c) 2004, The Vertical Project. All rights reserved.
You can find additional info at the following links:
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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tim Archbold

Getting My Wife To Love Me again After My Affair - What Can I Do?

Are you are a man that has had an affair and been found out? You now want to repair the damage you caused and save your marriage, but what do you do? To get my wife to love me again should be at the top of your priorities. The things you do in the process... Read >

4 Common Reasons For Infidelity

Marital infidelity is said to happen in about one third of marriages. There are many reasons for infidelity depending on each couples situation. Listed below are some of the more frequent reasons. Some people are thrill seekers or risk takers. These p... Read >

Your Ex Has A New Boyfriend – You Want To Get Her Back

Getting an ex-girlfriend back that has a new boyfriend will be a challenge for you. After the two of you had broken up, your ex may have met another guy already because the prospect of a new relationship seemed attractive to her. This new guy will be tryi... Read >

You Dumped Your Girlfriend And Want Her Back – Try This Old Method

You dumped your girlfriend and want her back, this is a frequent problem among guys so don’t feel alone. This inevitably happens after you realize what a good thing you had going and that you have made a mistake. Unfortunately guys can get bored easily so... Read >

Don't Chase Your Boyfriend Away – Be careful Of Your Signals

When dating you need to be careful of how you handle your boyfriend so you do not chase him away or put yourself in a position that lets him take advantage of you. Men have a different idea about how things are and may get the wrong ideas about how you ar... Read >

Swimming Drills for Triathletes – Speed, Endurance and Efficiency

If you are looking for some swimming drills for triathletes, most of what you find will be the same as those for racing in the pool. If you are trying to gain speed, endurance or improve your overall efficiency, you have some tried and proven methods to u... Read >

Improving Your Swimming Kick - Overcoming Runners Kick

Many people that try the triathlon have what has been called a runners kick when they swim. The runners kick usually comes from being a long time runner and not having much flexibility in the ankles, which in turn gives you a weaker kick. Luckily this is ... Read >

4 Tips For Stronger Cheerleading

These days cheerleading can be considered a sport where competitions pit teams against each other. The individual cheerleaders today are more physically fit than in the past because they are doing stunts that have them flying higher and in need of a stron... Read >

What Do I Do After Being Dumped

If you find yourself having been dumped, you may not know what to do. We grow up never having been taught this relationship stuff, especially the break up part so we have to rely on intuition or instincts to get through it. So now you are in a break up si... Read >

Is It Possible To Get Back Together After A Long Separation

If you try to get back with your ex after being separated for a long time, can it work? What caused your break up in the first place will play an important roll in this. To improve your chance of getting back together after a long separation do not rush i... Read >

Don’t Let Separation From Wife End Your Marriage

Having trouble in your marriage and are looking for a way to get your wife back before it’s too late? The longer you wait after your wife left you the harder it may be to get her back so don‘t wait too long. You need to be able to find out what went wrong... Read >

3 Clues To Watch For If Your Girlfriend Is Going To Dump You

Have you ever gone through a break up? You may have noticed after the fact that there were clues that you missed that it was going to happen . You might have even realized that your girlfriend pretty much told you up front that they were not happy about s... Read >

The Ivanko Super Gripper Review

If you want to get a stronger set of hands with a powerful grip, it's going to be up to you to make it happen. There are a lot of tools out there to use and most of them will do the job well enough. What you need to do is decide which of these gripper too... Read >

Good Vertical Jumpers Make Good Sprinters

It has been documented that for the most part, people that have a good vertical jump are also pretty fast sprinters and the reverse can be true. It has to do with the leg strength and explosive power that has been gained from training. Although there are ... Read >

Volleyball Training Methods

Training for the sport of Volleyball can increase the endurance, explosive power and the vertical jump. Volleyball involves lots of jumping and a strong lower body that has the endurance to last many games with out tiring is desirable. Being able to jump ... Read >
You can find additional info at the following links:
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Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Youth Basketball & Improving Jumping Ability

Unless you happen to be seven feet tall, jumping ability has a great deal to do with your success as a basketball player. An above average vertical leap can in essence add inches to your height, and since there are no exercises or basketball drills that w... Read >

Youth Soccer Attacking Drills

In youth soccer, goals win games and goals come from your offensive attack. Attacks are about good teamwork, creativity, speed and composure. There are so many different ways of attacking in soccer, and that is one of the beauties of the game. Your soccer... Read >

Youth Basketball Fast Break Drills

A well-run fast break is one of basketball's most thrilling plays. Most fans of the game love to see a fast-paced tempo with plenty of running and scoring. Strategically, the basketball fast break makes sense in the simple fact that the goal is to push th... Read >

Coaching Youth Basketball: Set Plays

Basketball is one of the most popular youth sports for many reasons, but undoubtedly the creativity involved is a driving force why it's fun and exciting for kids to play, coaches to teach, and fans to watch. There's always an opportunity to surprise the ... Read >

Youth Basketball Shooting Drills

One of the most challenging skills for youth basketball players to master is shooting. That said, everyone who has ever laced up their basketball shoes dreams of being a scorer, of taking the last second shot that gives his/her team a big win. It is true ... Read >

Youth Football Tips for the Defensive Lineman

To become a good football defensive lineman, it is important at an early age to practice the fundamentals over and over through football drills customized to improve the specific skills and athleticism needed. A few football defensive linemen drills are l... Read >

Goalkeeping Tips & Drills for Youth Soccer

To become a good soccer goalkeeper for a youth soccer club, it is important at an early age to practice the fundamentals over and over through goalkeeping drills customized to improve the specific skills and athleticism needed. A few youth goalkeeper dril... Read >

Youth Soccer Set Plays

The science of youth soccer is both simple and complex when designing set plays. Every player on the field must know their role in any given situation. Soccer players must be quick on their feet as well as quick in their reactions to the play. Some plays ... Read >

Tips & Drills for the Youth Football Defensive Back

To become a good football defensive back, it is important at an early age to practice the fundamentals over and over through football drills customized to improve the specific skills and athleticism needed for football defensive backs. A few football defe... Read >

How To Do Fundraising For Youth Cheerleading

Fundraising is an integral part of most youth sports today, and cheerleading is no exception. Whether you need money for new cheerleading uniforms or to pay for travel to youth cheerleading competitions, fundraising is always going to be a concern. Have n... Read >

Youth Cheerleading Stunts, Cheers, Jumps and Drills You Can Practice Alone

Want to work on your tumbling skills away from the gym? Trying to get your toe touches up there? There are lots of things you can do at home to improve your cheerleading. Just make sure you always start with good stretches, for at least five to ten minute... Read >

How to Coach Youth Cheerleading

Coaching a group of young cheerleaders can be a rewarding and fun experience. Teaching kids cheerleading stunts and cheers, and then helping them improve enough to perform in competition is a very proud feeling for any coach. But it's a big responsibility... Read >
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Discover Gary Roberts Workout Routine

There are usually two sides, or more, to almost every recommended muscle building or weight loss regimen. And they normally have about the same number of advocates and detractors. A lot of people train very hard just to see themselves get smaller or never develop any more muscle. The problem may lie in post workout nutrition. What you eat after your training session is crucial for your progress. During intense workouts, your body uses glycogen from muscles for energy. Therefore, after training, muscle glycogen is depleted and muscle tissues will be broken down. If you don't provide your body with proper nutrients to replenish muscle glycogen, your body will never get more lean mass.

For example, Women Thin people can gain muscle mass and weight fast the right combination of exercise and weight loss diet. However, to achieve more muscular bodybuilders, like physical effort.

Should be done before the training session. The most effective weight training exercises to sculpt your body bench press Lat Pull ups, B?rbel curls, hammer curls , etc.

Follow these tips and you will get bigger faster than you would otherwise Triceps. 1st Does weight training - is one part of the body Triceps thats easy to use your body weight resistance. Weight Triceps Triceps exercises make it easy to work at home a minimum of equipment.

If you ever go to the gym, look around the dumbbell rack. Usually, the biggest and strongest men and women in the gym. This speaks volumes to the effectiveness of training Dumbbell.

Shoulder height standing with weights in hands on exercises to get started. And then lower them gently to remove the halter. Repeat three sets of 25 repetitions of movement.

Well as a negative chin is simple: jump and grab and boot overhead bar to remove the bar on the chin. This start position, so the bar would be to install. Very, very slowly down your arms completely flat until I get off the exercise itself.

Although any one of them, before I remember having a proper warm. The heating is very important to ensure better results for the year. On this basis, minimizes the chance of injury to some exercises prepares the body for the physical requirements.

The feeling in the muscle pumped to work caused by back pressure of blood flow and lactic acid in the capillary. This has nothing to do with the exercise of compensation between recovery and tissue growth. Therefore, whether the change in our exercise routine makes us imagine and actually feel better pump, not an indication of real progress. But the facts have not stopped from feeding the myth of muscle confusion. Gary Roberts Workouts Routine.

Hand in the box under the floor and arms extended. Make sure you always come back flat. Now take a deep breath and squeezed his upper body.

You see, because people mistakenly think that you need to lift heavy weights or fancy equipment used to build muscle because that is what they want you to say. Who are they? Commercial gym owners and equipment manufacturers. But the truth is that many men are built very muscular physique without lifting weights or expensive equipment. This article, patient, through three different other than the individual muscles and built a new building on the strength without weight training or access to a shopping center.

Another advantage to rebuild the human muscle to create the classic V shape provides the perfect shape of the muscles in the front and provide a strong framework to help maintain the attitude. I exercise more dimensions combined to create a common muscle to help bring more large weight to be used to rebuild muscles, such as. In addition, these muscles is important to remember to set back both horizontal and vertical movement by pulling back in operation by pulling the muscles.

But just to add, is now a third variable to work so you do not lose their jobs. How often very complex very quickly so you can find the answers to grow. But most people build more muscle can help streamline noted that some general rules.

Exercise weight training is the revolution that made the return, and sweep the world. You remember the harsh tone and the body of an old boxer or a strong person.
Video Source: Youtube

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hang Time - Is There Such A Thing?

Is there such a thing as "Hang Time"? To get straight to the point - it is a matter of science - "hang time" is not "real". Most people may not believe this, pointing to their favorite player and at the same time exclaim how he can hang in the air longer than anyone else. But, in reality, any basketball player (including “Air Jordanâ€Â
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Gastric Banding - The Untold Story

In both the US & Australia, weight loss surgery has seen a dramatic rise in the past decade. It is being touted as ‘the hottest thing’ in weight loss and as a long-term weight loss solution, with minimal risk and side effects. For many this may be true but for many it is not as ‘easy’ as originally put forward by health care professionals. It is important to understand what the procedure is and the pros and cons before gastric banding is seen as an option:

What is the procedure?

In very simple terms, an adjustable band is wrapped around the upper part of the stomach to restrict food intake, causing feelings of fullness for longer. The band is adjusted through the injection of saline solution through an external port that is left just under the skin. The surgery is usually performed via laparoscopic incisions through the abdomen.

• Can significantly improve health in the morbidly obese
• Can reduce significant weight in a short period of time
• Can reduce lifestyle diseases (and risks of lifestyle diseases)
• Can improve mobility and activity levels to allow for more weight loss
• Can improve sleep
• Can improve pain
• Can improve psychological well being
• Can be performed on teenagers (13+)
• Reduced risk of surgical complications compared to other gastric surgery
• Can be adjusted (tightened or loosened) quickly and easily
• Can be removed
• Laparoscopic surgery means less tissue damage and shorter hospital stays


• Weight loss initially is fast and significant and then plateaus
• Weight loss results may not be as significant as advertised (some surgeons are saying up to 75% of excess weight. The FDA results are approximately 36%. Some Obesity Centers are saying that between a 20-30% loss is realistic and more typical)
• The band does not guarantee weight loss
• Diet and exercise is still need to achieve results
• Permanent lifestyle changes need to occur for effective, long-term results
• Food reduction is dramatic and some food groups may be difficult to digest e.g. proteins, complex carbohydrates, fibrous vegetables
• There are ways to sabotage weight loss results through eating soft, fatty and/or sugary foods
• A more liquid or soft food diet may be necessitated
• Vomiting, purging or feelings of illness after eating may be common
• Nutritional needs may be compromised due to band being too tight
• Expensive and most costs are not covered by most health insurers (Gastric banding is cheaper than gastric bypass surgery - $12000-$20000 versus $15000-$25000
• Extensive weight loss may lead to change in appearance – some for the better and some for the worse (more wrinkles, sloppy/excess skin)
• Does not change psychological mechanisms for emotional eating
• Some people may never be able to get the band removed due to unresolved behavioral and psychological mechanisms e.g. lack of motivation, fear of attention, disliking exercise/activity, poor eating behaviors
• The Weight-control Information Network – An information service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases reports the following outcomes:

o 1 year - Up to 50% excess body fat loss in the first year
o 3-5 years – some patients may regain some weight
o 10 years - as few as 20% of patients have kept the weight off (due to a lack of behavioral and psychological changes)

• Post surgical complications and inability to get standard diagnostic imaging

o Some people may be too large for the diagnostic scanning and imaging equipment e.g. CT scans and MRIs. One study found 27% of morbidly obese clients were unsuitable.:
o Other more evasive, less accurate means of investigation need to occur e.g. more surgery
o Proper diagnoses may be compromised as a result of less accurate diagnostic tools
o More surgery and/or longer hospital stays may be required
o Complications - infection, tubing between the band and access port breaking, repairs, food can block the narrow passage into the stomach, vomiting, very rarely death

Like any surgery, gastric banding does come with risks. Like any effective, long-term weight loss method, gastric banding is not a quick fix solution that never needs to be worked on again.

The regulations for having surgery are, ‘severely obese adults who had tried, but failed, to lose weight by other means’. Most of the time when obese people say they “have tried everything”, what they mean is that they have tried ‘every diet’ and it hasn’t worked. The majority of people who are overweight or obese use food like a drug. Just like a drug addict has a drug of choice – heroin, crack, marijuana; overweight or obese people have their drug of choice – food (too much, sugary, fatty, high calorie, low nutritional value)! Just like drugs, food releases brain chemicals that alter feelings and mood and it masks or dampens thoughts and emotions. All that surgery does is reduce the amount of food that can be eaten, but it doesn’t change the poor coping mechanisms for dampening or masking emotions or thoughts. Gastric surgery does not help someone identify why they emotionally overeat and then give them new strategies to better cope – it’s another band aide, another quick fix. Long-term, if new, healthy mechanisms are not developed to deal with emotions and thoughts, people will return to their faulty patterns. Therefore, what is missing from the obesity treatment plan pre- and post-surgery is a program based significantly on the psychological and emotional mechanisms resulting in obesity. The surgeons, organizations, societies and clinics that deal with obesity and gastric surgery all state that surgery is not a cure-all, it requires a lifetime commitment to lifestyle changes – nutritionally, physically, emotionally, and psychologically.

Kellee Waters – The Fat Whisperer
BSc – App Psych, PGradDip – Psych, PGradCert – Hyp, Cert IV - PT

Below are several case studies of clients who have had gastric banding with different experiences and outcomes:

1) Jenny – 39 year old female – obese since early teens. Had a medical history of a degenerative digestive system disease. Underwent gastric banding and was told that even with her medical condition, this was the safest possible option with very little risk. She underwent the surgery. Was discharged from hospital 3 days later still in pain and vomiting. Readmitted through emergency 2 days later and investigation found that she had some internal bleeding from the surgery. She was told that she would need surgery to stop the bleeding and was told that there was very little risk involved. She woke up 10 days later in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) ward of the hospital! Complications had occurred and she had died on the operating table. She was then told that the doctors had to perform an emergency gastric bypass. Her stay in the ICU was for another 10 days and she was finally discharged 3 weeks later. She was still in a lot of pain, vomiting and could not hold down food and very little fluid. She remained very ill for the next 6 weeks where she was continually readmitted into hospital until further diagnostic imaging found that surgical instruments had been left inside of her. She had to undergo more surgery. After seeking further medical treatment after the surgery, she was also told that the original surgeon had left her with very little stomach (he removed 2/3 of her stomach) and had left blind endings (basically he had not plumbed her digestive and organ system back correctly). 3 years on and she was malnourished, vomited even if she consumed more than 150ml of liquid at a time and was know verging on anorexia. She was constantly in pain as the malnourishment and lack of correct digestive and organ connection had caused other medical conditions. She was now dying and no medical professional could help her!

2) Amanda – 28 year old female – obese since childhood. Healthy despite being morbidly obese. Had tried dieting (and every diet on the market) since she was 14. She was a good candidate for surgery. Her surgery was successful. She lost 1/3 of her excess body weight in 1 year but then plateaued for 2 years (she was still obese). She hated having the band in and wishes she had never done it and was too petrified to have it removed. She could hardly eat – meat, fibrous vegetables, complex carbohydrates were all off the menu. She could only eat ¼ cup of food in any one sitting and then still she felt sick or would vomit it all back up. She kept getting the band adjusted to try and stop the vomiting but no matter how much it was loosened, she still felt sick or vomited every time she ate. She knew that she had not changed her behavioral or psychological mechanisms and believed that if she had the band removed, she would quickly eat her way back to being morbidly obese. She realized that the gastric band had helped her lose weight but it had not changed the way she thought about food and activity. She realized that if she was to lose more weight, with or without the band, she would have to deal with her psychological issues around food and change her lifestyle behaviors. She started doing this and felt more confident, self-efficacious over food, she began exercising and losing weight. Amanda came to the realization that the band was a helping hand in weight loss but it was not a life changing experience. Only she could change her life.

3) Jessica – 25 year old female – mother of 2 – morbidly obese since mid teens. She had an underactive thyroid, diabetes type II and her blood pressure was increasing. She had trouble keeping up with her young children and was so sick of being ridiculed for her weight and size, especially by the men in her life. She looked into gastric banding and decided that it would help her. She had the surgery and it was successful. She was so happy with the results – very little recovery time, little illness post surgery and 1 year on, just over a 1/4 of her excess body weight was lost. She was feeling confident and everything was going well until she hit a plateau 2 years later. She started emotional eating again, she lost confidence, felt self-conscious and was starting to retreat to all of her old, negative thoughts and behaviors. 4 years on and she is still struggling with her emotions, food, activity, motivation and self-esteem. She continually yo-yo diets – losing weight and putting it back on. She is still obese and still struggling. She has started on the road to changing her old emotional, psychological and behavioral patterns and has a long road ahead.

4) Rachel – 32 year old female – morbidly obese since early teens and obese since childhood. In good health and underwent gastric banding. She got an infection and was admitted to ICU within 5 days of the original surgery. She was given some very intensive drug treatment to try and control the infection however, this failed and she had to undergo surgery. She was admitted to ICU immediately after the second surgery and while there underwent more drug therapy and one more operation. 21 weeks after the initial gastric band surgery she was able to leave the hospital. As a result of her ordeal she was left with an incisional abdominal hernia (approximately 20cm in diameter) and renal failure. She requires an operation to repair the hernia and a kidney transplant but need to reduce her weight by 66 pounds to be eligible and safe for surgery. She visits the hospital 4 times a week for dialysis. She has type II diabetes and an underactive thyroid. She has posttraumatic stress disorder relating to operations due to her first experience. She has significant grief and loss for a normal life as she is sick much of the time, making it difficult to work, she would like a relationship with someone special but does not want to burden them with her illness and potential death (if she does not get a transplant), her life expectancy has been significantly reduced and her medical expenses far outweigh her income, making it very difficult to seek appropriate medical treatments.

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Is Hang Time Real?

Is there such a thing as "Hang Time"? The short answer is, scientific laws control this, "hang time" is not "real". Many people may not believe this, using their favorite player as an example and exclaiming how he can hang in the air longer than someone else. But, the fact of the matter is, any basketball player (including "Air Jordan" himself) just looks like they are hanging in the air.

Here's the details of what is happening when a basketball player goes up for a slam dunk (or any other sport where jumping is involved).

As he comes down the court, a player jumps and Newton's third law of physics takes over. This law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. What this means then is that the player exerts a force against the floor and the floor pushes back. This action/reaction enables the player to "jump" up into the air. The more force the player exerts when he pushes against the floor, the more force the floor pushes back with - this results in the player going higher into the air.

If a player is in motion (running) during the jump, his/her center of mass follows a parabolic path, which basically looks like a rounded off mountain top. A persons "center of mass" is located around the middle of their body. This means that, if the person stayed in exactly the same position during the entire jumping action, his/her midsection (and therefore, entire body) would follow this path. But as a player that is running jumps, the center of mass is lifted - and manipulated.

By raising his knees, he's raising his center of mass relative to his head. He does that on his way up. On the way down, of course, he lowers his legs and that causes the center of mass to come back down. This effectively raises his head in relation to the center of mass. The head no longer follows the parabolic path. The head stays at one height.

So the result is during part of the time in the air, the head stays at the same height, but ,during the entire time the center of mass goes up and down.

In essence, the player's head is the key to why our eyes believe in hang time.

When we look at another person, we don't normally look at the person's "center of mass". We usually concentrate on a person's head (or at least the upper part of the whole body) . What happens then is somewhat of an "illusion", but it really is what happens; the head is staying constant for an unnaturally long time because he/she changes his center of mass.

Well, if there is no such thing as "hang time", how is it that one person can stay in the air longer than another person? The REAL answer is because they JUMP HIGHER.

If you can't increase your hang time then, you have to learn to jump higher! How can you do this? Check out these vertical jump program Reviews for more information.

How Does Plyometrics Training Work? - Learn the Mechanics

To better understand how plyometrics can improve your physical performance in a certain sport, it is only proper to examine its mechanics. One important aspect in this type of training is knowledge about muscle power.

Muscle power is revealed by the length of time it takes to convert strength to speed. Your ability to quickly translate strength to speed makes it possible for you to perform athletic movements that are beyond what untrained strength will permit.

Take for example an athlete who has strong legs and a weaker sportsperson who had undergone plyometric training. The strong athlete can do the free-weight squat for a longer duration, compared to the weak one. However, the plyometrically-trained athlete has a bigger advantage when it comes to standing long jumps and vertical leaps because he had been trained to produce force at a faster rate.

The force, however, may not be that great. Then again, that is the real beauty of plyometrics: It allows you to build up more power with every muscle contraction. On the other, the strong athlete banks on endurance but not so much on the prospect of increasing muscle power.

A standard plyometric drill is vertical jumps. It is performed over and over again, and each time you land from a previous jump you have to produce an adequate amount of force to jump again right away. This drill intends to overload the muscle, which thereby builds up explosiveness.

There are a number of things you need to consider before you get started on plyometrics. You must keep in mind that this type of exercise also involves a great deal of risk because of the powerful forces engendered during the actual performance of the drills. Thus, this type of training should only be done by individuals in good physical condition and under the supervision of competent trainers.

The age of a person matters in plyometrics. Athletes who are under 13 years old are only allowed to perform low-volume and low-intensity exercises. Bodyweight also needs to be considered. An extra amount of care, as well as low-intensity exercises, needs to be observed by athletes heavier than 240 pounds.

In performing the drills, proper footwear is required. It must be well fitting and adequately cushioned. The surface of the gym or work out area also needs a certain degree of softness. Grass is suitable, but a gymnastics mat is the most ideal surface. To prevent injury, you must steer away from hard surfaces like concrete.
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Natural HGH Pills

Natural HGH releasers are a new supplement of growth hormone replacement just beginning to emerge in the marketplace. These somatotropin activation formulas act as the essential building blocks for growth hormone production.

Somatotropin is your body’s own supply of human growth hormone. Once we hit 30 our levels of HGH production begin to decline. And by the time we hit 60 or 70 production has all but fallen off the charts.

Human Growth Hormone is produced naturally in the body from the pituitary gland. This gland lies in the head of the human body and is about the size of a pea. This hormone plays a key role in the active function of the human body, human brain and even the sex organs.

HGH levels decrease during the aging process. In midlife, the levels of growth hormone production are just a fraction of what they once were. Scientific studies show that there is a direct relation between decreasing HGH and the other signs of aging like weight gain, sagging muscles and skin, interest loss in sex, flagging memory and intoned or wrinkled skin.

HGH releasers are a powerful action stimulus comprised of amino acids and other natural ingredients that work in powerful combination to increase lean muscle, burn fat, improve skin tone, increase bone density, improve brain function, contribute to better sex drive, and provide better sleep.

If you are looking to buy the best HGH supplement, choose a natural releaser formula that activates your own natural production of growth hormone. This is much safer and far easier on your body to assimilate because it is not a foreign introduction of hormones.

New techniques for HGH releasers have created capsule supplements which stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete more growth hormone. As the pituitary gland has the necessary support of the amino acid supplement, hormone level production improves dramatically.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

War Declared On Instant Messenger: How to Stop Your Child from Wasting Their Life Away Online

Hey Parents! I hate to tell you, but there is no such thing as “useful instant messaging”. Your crafty child might try to take advantage of your lack of “Techie” know how when they say in that whiney voice... “But MomÂ…I’m IMing my friends about homework.” Don’t buy it! They are simply playing up the school is important bit so they can get you off their back.

To be fair, yes kids might spend a couple minutes discussing their school assignments. But for every 30 seconds of actual work, another 30 minutes are lost in useless chatter with the hundred or so “friends” on their buddy list! And if your child consistently pulls the “I didn’t know the assignment” excuse, then bigger school problems than instant messaging are on the horizon.

You can easily stop the hours upon hours of instant messaging with one simple gestureÂ… PULL THE PLUG! Now, I don’t really mean to literally pull the plug out of the computer on your child. The last thing we want to do is get into a power struggle with your child, or break your $1500 computer.

No, what I mean is simply lay down the law. Allocate a specific period of instant messaging time per day. One hour of IMing is not going to kill anyone or their social life. And in that one hour time slot they will have plenty of time to discuss homework, their teacher, the new kid in class, or whatever.

Right now you might be saying, “That sounds great Chris, but what happens when my kid refuses to adhere to the allotted time?” When your child disregards your house rules it simply means they have too much free time on their hands. We all know that idleness is the devil’s playground. It might be time to up their chore responsibilities. Or sign them up for an after school art class or even a sport or karate. Sometimes the best answer is to simply spend some quality time with them. Set up a time each day to play scrabble, take a walk or cook something together. It really doesn’t matter what it is, just play to your kids interests and keep them busy.

The internet is a great tool, especially when it comes to education and homework. In the future we can expect to see an even greater merger of it with our every day lives. However, right now it’s the great stealer of time. Getting sidetracked is very easy, (as some of you might know) and with the media induced, shortened attention spans of our children, whole young lives could waste away online. Teach your kids to use the Internet and Instant Messaging as intended. Sometimes we use it for work; sometimes we use it for play. Just be sure your kids know the difference between the two.
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A Typical Paraglider Pilot? - No Such Thing!

Just what is a typical paraglider pilot? The short answer is 'there are none'. The slightly longer answer might be 'well, a lot of them seem to be guys in their 30s or 40s'. Surprised? Isn't paragliding one of those scary, risky, over-the-top activities in vogue with the young and daring? No, it isn't really, although there is some potential for danger as in any form of flying.

So don't expect to go to a paragliding location and find pilots fitting some sort of Extreme Sports stereotype. Being more of an aviation sport, and relatively cheap and easy to get into, paragliding does attract a wide variety of participants. You too could learn to paraglide and amaze your friends!

Europe is where it all started, and it is there that you are more likely to spot some interesting, umm, extremes in the sport. In that corner of the world, children's camps sometimes include paragliding as an activity! At the other end of the spectrum, there are many older pilots. That is, those well past retirement age! What better way to keep life interesting.

Heck, I've even seen a video clip of a dog going for a ride, clipped into a special doggy harness alongside the pilot. Wonder how much flying time a German Shepherd needs to log before going solo. Hey, don't laugh, paragliding is almost that easy!

Pilots From Many Angles

Just for fun, let's do a quick check of some possible categories for paraglider pilots.

Age is one, definitely. I've already mentioned how the very young to the very old can fly. Weight is another. Little men or slightly-built ladies flying their bottom-of-the-size-range XXS wings. Sounds like a shirt size doesn't it.. Right through to people of substance who are too much for anything but a tandem paraglider. Yes, a wing actually built for two. What else? Nationality of course, since this is a global sport. Although birthed in Europe, and most popular over there, every continent on the planet has its paragliding fanatics.

What about disability? Surely not! Oh yes, some companies are actively helping wheel-chair-bound people into the air. All it takes is a couple of working arms after all, to use the paraglider's brake toggles. Maybe just one more category, gender is an obvious one. As usual in flying sports, there are far more men than women in paragliding despite gender giving no special benefit for flying. If anything, women are quicker to pick up the required careful and precise style of using the controls.

That just about covers the main angles on the variety to be found in paragliding pilots. Now for some real examples, some specifics.


Particularly in Europe, you can observe people in a wide range of age groups flying their paragliders. Even all the way back in 1994 there were some young pilots. In that year a 14 year old in Bulgaria became their youngest paraglider pilot. He had 29 flights to his credit at that tender age.

In Israel, paragliding has some history, starting with the Zoom Club pioneering efforts of Yair Shachar. He in turn taught a certain Baruch Gurwitz to fly, at the age of 70! In fact, in 1998 Baruch earned an entry in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's oldest paraglider pilot. He was 77. That record has not lasted though! Since then, a short film has been made about the exploits of a 79 year old Polish pilot. Miroslaw Dembinski produced the film, winning a prize in the Banff Mountain Film Festival.

Being a pilot is one thing, but of course age is even less of a barrier when you are only a passenger! I came across one paragliding school that recorded the names of two exceptional passengers. 95 year old Hannes Taugwalder for one, and also a certain Zoe Schmid, a little lady of 2 ½!


Just to give you some idea of the weight range available to paraglider pilots, here's a couple of real paraglider designs to illustrate. Firstly, the Nova Rookie wing is available in 5 different sizes. The smallest is the XXS. Extra extra small. Just right for a featherweight pilot, most likely female, who weighs in at 55 kilograms (about 120 pounds) ready to fly. That's right, that weight includes harness, helmet and any other gear she may be wearing.

At the other end of the scale, really large pilots can in fact use a tandem paraglider which is normally used for taking passengers. So, in theory, Big Bertha or Gigantic Joe who weighs 200 kilograms (about 440 pounds), could put on 10 kilograms (22 pounds) of flying gear and go for a gentle float in the Bio-Air Bi-Bio 42. This is a typical tandem paraglider.

Now for a bit of trivia. The biggest sports paraglider of all time was a one-off design with a 20 meter (66 feet) wingspan, used for filming a car commercial! This very special reinforced wing had to carry a whopping 600 kilograms (over 1300 pounds), after being dropped from a Lama heavy-lift helicopter. A real Audi A6 Allroad vehicle was filmed floating through the sky under this paraglider, against spectacular mountain scenery.


These days, it's hard to think of a continent that has no paragliding activity. There are excellent schools and flying locations to be found all over the world. Also, I know that my paragliding website attracts visitors from more than 60 countries!

Paragliding is particularly well known and visible as a sport in England, France, Germany and South Korea. Of course there are others, but these 4 have stood out to me so far.


Organized paragliding for the disabled exists in the U.K., Australia, South Africa, the U.S. and probably quite a few other countries as well. Not surprisingly, tandem paragliders are used a lot in this area.

The English seem to have done a very good job of promoting paragliding for the disabled. Just look at the activities of Airways Airports, they are not hard to find! This company sometimes uses specially modified paragliding 'chariots' to give access to flying to a very wide range of disabled people.

Another notable company is Handiconcept, who provide a range of activities to the disabled, including paragliding. They operate from a Swiss Alpine resort and cater for both the physically and mentally handicapped.

Moving across to the U.S., an innovative company called Team Thor have set themselves up as a public charity. They cater for the physically handicapped in particular, and focus on coastal flying in tandem paragliders. Not just any old coastal flying, but the very impressive and well-known ridge-flying experience of Torrey Pines, on the Pacific coast.


Paragliding offers no barriers at all to female participants. The minor issue of very light weight, in some cases, is easily fixed by carrying ballast. Some of the bigger paragliding schools even offer paragliding courses specifically for women. An example is Peak to Peak Paragliding which operate out of Boulder, Colorado in the U.S.

Particularly in Europe, a select few women have reached the highest standards in the sport by becoming active competition pilots. Such is the participation rate over there, there are even women-only events on the CIVL sporting calendar. CIVL is an international body that governs aspects of paragliding and hang-gliding, like the FAI in general aviation.

Now for a quick mention of 2 notable women in paragliding. Firstly, Azar Mazru’ii Farahani from Iran is the director of the Women’s Air Sports Federation of Tehran. A professional paragliding instructor, she glides through the air with the greatest of ease wearing traditional Islamic clothing. That's different.

Secondly, one of the U.K.'s top female pilots is Nicky Moss. She was good enough to win the women's event of the British Open Paragliding Championship when it was held in Àger, Spain. Not only that, Nicky also holds a British record in paragliding.

In Conclusion

Maybe you might never have the opportunity to become a professional pilot. But paragliding, even if only as a passenger, is surely within your reach!

You can find additional info at the following links:
Click Here for more information
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Monday, March 18, 2013

Recreation And Sports

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    One of the best things about the game of basketball is that it is fun at every level. It doesn't matter if you've never played a game in your life and couldn't hit a shot to save your life or are a p...
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  • Peruvian Soap Operas - 3 Of The Worst
    Televised soap operas are popular in Peru, even though they are often not produced there. Shown in the evening, they come primarily from Venezuela, Mexico and India and attract a wide following. Get ...
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    Whether trying to find a new way to get the cardio they need without subjecting themselves to the type of program no human should have to endure—a daily routine of walking on a stationary machine tha...
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  • Michigan State's Spartans Staged Comebacks To Win 6 Of Their 11 Games And Become Bowl Bound
    When Michigan State beat Northwestern 35-27 this year to start the season with a perfect 8-0 record and rose to No. 5 in the AP Top 25 Poll, it marked the first time the Spartans had an 8-0 record si...
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  • Volcano Climbing in Arequipa, Peru
    Arequipa, the attractive "White City" in Southern Peru, is surrounded by three volcanic mountain ranges: the Cordillera Volcanica, the Cordillera de Ampato and the Cordillera de Chila. The volcanoes ...
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  • Trampoline Sizes: 5 Things You Should Keep in Mind
    Remember the trampolines that were available when we were kids? I sure do, and I'll tell you what, they were a lot different than the trampolines that are available today. In fact, the trampolines I ...
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  • Square Trampoline: 3 Benefits Of These Uniquely Shaped Trampolines
    In the past, anyone who had a trampoline typically had the basic round model, and it seems like when I was just a child these were only available in sizes that are referred to as mini trampolines now...
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  • How To Correctly Choose Your First Airsoft Gun
    There are few things more thrilling than playing an exciting game with your friends. Sooner or later, we all need some relaxation time, and more and more people are choosing to play with hobbytron ai...
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  • A Few Exciting Games To Enjoy With Hobbytron Airsoft Guns
    One popular product that seems to have no end in it's popularity is hobbytron airsoft guns. These seem to be the latest rage. If you haven't gotten some of these toys yet, you should. If you do have ...
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  • Explode Your Leaping Ability With Subconscious Mind Power
    If you'd like to increase your vertical leap by up to fifty percent, in as little as a couple weeks, you've come to the right place. By the time you finish reading this article, you will know how to ...
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  • Peruvian Soap Operas - 3 Of The Worst
    Televised soap operas are popular in Peru, even though they are often not produced there. Shown in the evening, they come primarily from Venezuela, Mexico and India and attract a wide following. Get ...
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  • In Ground Basketball Goals: 5 Reasons They Make A Great Purchase For Your Home
    Whether trying to find a new way to get the cardio they need without subjecting themselves to the type of program no human should have to endure—a daily routine of walking on a stationary machine tha...
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  • Michigan State's Spartans Staged Comebacks To Win 6 Of Their 11 Games And Become Bowl Bound
    When Michigan State beat Northwestern 35-27 this year to start the season with a perfect 8-0 record and rose to No. 5 in the AP Top 25 Poll, it marked the first time the Spartans had an 8-0 record si...
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  • Volcano Climbing in Arequipa, Peru
    Arequipa, the attractive "White City" in Southern Peru, is surrounded by three volcanic mountain ranges: the Cordillera Volcanica, the Cordillera de Ampato and the Cordillera de Chila. The volcanoes ...
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  • Trampoline Sizes: 5 Things You Should Keep in Mind
    Remember the trampolines that were available when we were kids? I sure do, and I'll tell you what, they were a lot different than the trampolines that are available today. In fact, the trampolines I ...
    Author: James Druman
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  • Square Trampoline: 3 Benefits Of These Uniquely Shaped Trampolines
    In the past, anyone who had a trampoline typically had the basic round model, and it seems like when I was just a child these were only available in sizes that are referred to as mini trampolines now...
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  • How To Correctly Choose Your First Airsoft Gun
    There are few things more thrilling than playing an exciting game with your friends. Sooner or later, we all need some relaxation time, and more and more people are choosing to play with hobbytron ai...
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  • A Few Exciting Games To Enjoy With Hobbytron Airsoft Guns
    One popular product that seems to have no end in it's popularity is hobbytron airsoft guns. These seem to be the latest rage. If you haven't gotten some of these toys yet, you should. If you do have ...
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  • Explode Your Leaping Ability With Subconscious Mind Power
    If you'd like to increase your vertical leap by up to fifty percent, in as little as a couple weeks, you've come to the right place. By the time you finish reading this article, you will know how to ...
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  • In Ground Basketball Goals: 5 Reasons They Make A Great Purchase For Your Home
    Whether trying to find a new way to get the cardio they need without subjecting themselves to the type of program no human should have to endure—a daily routine of walking on a stationary machine tha...
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  • Michigan State's Spartans Staged Comebacks To Win 6 Of Their 11 Games And Become Bowl Bound
    When Michigan State beat Northwestern 35-27 this year to start the season with a perfect 8-0 record and rose to No. 5 in the AP Top 25 Poll, it marked the first time the Spartans had an 8-0 record si...
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  • Volcano Climbing in Arequipa, Peru
    Arequipa, the attractive "White City" in Southern Peru, is surrounded by three volcanic mountain ranges: the Cordillera Volcanica, the Cordillera de Ampato and the Cordillera de Chila. The volcanoes ...
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  • Trampoline Sizes: 5 Things You Should Keep in Mind
    Remember the trampolines that were available when we were kids? I sure do, and I'll tell you what, they were a lot different than the trampolines that are available today. In fact, the trampolines I ...
    Author: James Druman
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  • Square Trampoline: 3 Benefits Of These Uniquely Shaped Trampolines
    In the past, anyone who had a trampoline typically had the basic round model, and it seems like when I was just a child these were only available in sizes that are referred to as mini trampolines now...
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  • How To Correctly Choose Your First Airsoft Gun
    There are few things more thrilling than playing an exciting game with your friends. Sooner or later, we all need some relaxation time, and more and more people are choosing to play with hobbytron ai...
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  • A Few Exciting Games To Enjoy With Hobbytron Airsoft Guns
    One popular product that seems to have no end in it's popularity is hobbytron airsoft guns. These seem to be the latest rage. If you haven't gotten some of these toys yet, you should. If you do have ...
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  • Explode Your Leaping Ability With Subconscious Mind Power
    If you'd like to increase your vertical leap by up to fifty percent, in as little as a couple weeks, you've come to the right place. By the time you finish reading this article, you will know how to ...
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  • Michigan State's Spartans Staged Comebacks To Win 6 Of Their 11 Games And Become Bowl Bound
    When Michigan State beat Northwestern 35-27 this year to start the season with a perfect 8-0 record and rose to No. 5 in the AP Top 25 Poll, it marked the first time the Spartans had an 8-0 record si...
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  • Volcano Climbing in Arequipa, Peru
    Arequipa, the attractive "White City" in Southern Peru, is surrounded by three volcanic mountain ranges: the Cordillera Volcanica, the Cordillera de Ampato and the Cordillera de Chila. The volcanoes ...
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  • Trampoline Sizes: 5 Things You Should Keep in Mind
    Remember the trampolines that were available when we were kids? I sure do, and I'll tell you what, they were a lot different than the trampolines that are available today. In fact, the trampolines I ...
    Author: James Druman
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  • Square Trampoline: 3 Benefits Of These Uniquely Shaped Trampolines
    In the past, anyone who had a trampoline typically had the basic round model, and it seems like when I was just a child these were only available in sizes that are referred to as mini trampolines now...
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  • How To Correctly Choose Your First Airsoft Gun
    There are few things more thrilling than playing an exciting game with your friends. Sooner or later, we all need some relaxation time, and more and more people are choosing to play with hobbytron ai...
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  • A Few Exciting Games To Enjoy With Hobbytron Airsoft Guns
    One popular product that seems to have no end in it's popularity is hobbytron airsoft guns. These seem to be the latest rage. If you haven't gotten some of these toys yet, you should. If you do have ...
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  • Explode Your Leaping Ability With Subconscious Mind Power
    If you'd like to increase your vertical leap by up to fifty percent, in as little as a couple weeks, you've come to the right place. By the time you finish reading this article, you will know how to ...
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  • Volcano Climbing in Arequipa, Peru
    Arequipa, the attractive "White City" in Southern Peru, is surrounded by three volcanic mountain ranges: the Cordillera Volcanica, the Cordillera de Ampato and the Cordillera de Chila. The volcanoes ...
    Author: Gary Sargent
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  • Trampoline Sizes: 5 Things You Should Keep in Mind
    Remember the trampolines that were available when we were kids? I sure do, and I'll tell you what, they were a lot different than the trampolines that are available today. In fact, the trampolines I ...
    Author: James Druman
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  • Square Trampoline: 3 Benefits Of These Uniquely Shaped Trampolines
    In the past, anyone who had a trampoline typically had the basic round model, and it seems like when I was just a child these were only available in sizes that are referred to as mini trampolines now...
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  • How To Correctly Choose Your First Airsoft Gun
    There are few things more thrilling than playing an exciting game with your friends. Sooner or later, we all need some relaxation time, and more and more people are choosing to play with hobbytron ai...
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  • A Few Exciting Games To Enjoy With Hobbytron Airsoft Guns
    One popular product that seems to have no end in it's popularity is hobbytron airsoft guns. These seem to be the latest rage. If you haven't gotten some of these toys yet, you should. If you do have ...
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  • Explode Your Leaping Ability With Subconscious Mind Power
    If you'd like to increase your vertical leap by up to fifty percent, in as little as a couple weeks, you've come to the right place. By the time you finish reading this article, you will know how to ...
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  • Trampoline Sizes: 5 Things You Should Keep in Mind
    Remember the trampolines that were available when we were kids? I sure do, and I'll tell you what, they were a lot different than the trampolines that are available today. In fact, the trampolines I ...
    Author: James Druman
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  • Square Trampoline: 3 Benefits Of These Uniquely Shaped Trampolines
    In the past, anyone who had a trampoline typically had the basic round model, and it seems like when I was just a child these were only available in sizes that are referred to as mini trampolines now...
    Author: James Druman
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  • How To Correctly Choose Your First Airsoft Gun
    There are few things more thrilling than playing an exciting game with your friends. Sooner or later, we all need some relaxation time, and more and more people are choosing to play with hobbytron ai...
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  • A Few Exciting Games To Enjoy With Hobbytron Airsoft Guns
    One popular product that seems to have no end in it's popularity is hobbytron airsoft guns. These seem to be the latest rage. If you haven't gotten some of these toys yet, you should. If you do have ...
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  • Explode Your Leaping Ability With Subconscious Mind Power
    If you'd like to increase your vertical leap by up to fifty percent, in as little as a couple weeks, you've come to the right place. By the time you finish reading this article, you will know how to ...
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  • Square Trampoline: 3 Benefits Of These Uniquely Shaped Trampolines
    In the past, anyone who had a trampoline typically had the basic round model, and it seems like when I was just a child these were only available in sizes that are referred to as mini trampolines now...
    Author: James Druman
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  • How To Correctly Choose Your First Airsoft Gun
    There are few things more thrilling than playing an exciting game with your friends. Sooner or later, we all need some relaxation time, and more and more people are choosing to play with hobbytron ai...
    Author: George Hutton
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  • A Few Exciting Games To Enjoy With Hobbytron Airsoft Guns
    One popular product that seems to have no end in it's popularity is hobbytron airsoft guns. These seem to be the latest rage. If you haven't gotten some of these toys yet, you should. If you do have ...
    Author: George Hutton
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  • Explode Your Leaping Ability With Subconscious Mind Power
    If you'd like to increase your vertical leap by up to fifty percent, in as little as a couple weeks, you've come to the right place. By the time you finish reading this article, you will know how to ...
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  • How To Correctly Choose Your First Airsoft Gun
    There are few things more thrilling than playing an exciting game with your friends. Sooner or later, we all need some relaxation time, and more and more people are choosing to play with hobbytron ai...
    Author: George Hutton
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  • A Few Exciting Games To Enjoy With Hobbytron Airsoft Guns
    One popular product that seems to have no end in it's popularity is hobbytron airsoft guns. These seem to be the latest rage. If you haven't gotten some of these toys yet, you should. If you do have ...
    Author: George Hutton
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  • Explode Your Leaping Ability With Subconscious Mind Power
    If you'd like to increase your vertical leap by up to fifty percent, in as little as a couple weeks, you've come to the right place. By the time you finish reading this article, you will know how to ...
    Author: George Hutton
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  • A Few Exciting Games To Enjoy With Hobbytron Airsoft Guns
    One popular product that seems to have no end in it's popularity is hobbytron airsoft guns. These seem to be the latest rage. If you haven't gotten some of these toys yet, you should. If you do have ...
    Author: George Hutton
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  • Explode Your Leaping Ability With Subconscious Mind Power
    If you'd like to increase your vertical leap by up to fifty percent, in as little as a couple weeks, you've come to the right place. By the time you finish reading this article, you will know how to ...
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    If you'd like to increase your vertical leap by up to fifty percent, in as little as a couple weeks, you've come to the right place. By the time you finish reading this article, you will know how to ...
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